How to follow an unusual election with Sixty-Six Wards

This election will not be like any we’ve seen before. With unprecedented mail-in voting, the tools we’ve used may not even work this time around. But I’m going to leave the Tracker and the Needle both running, with huge caveats that (a) they only handle live, in person voting, and (b) we have no idea how in-person and mail-in will correlate, especially in different neighborhoods across the city.

Want to follow in real time?

The Turnout Tracker

The Turnout Tracker is back for a *fifth* election. Here’s how you can help with citizen science!

1. Vote. (And when you do, get your Voter Number.)

2. Share your Voter Number to

> Vote by mail? You can let me know in the form!

3. Follow along live at

The estimate is better the more people participate. Tell your friends!

Sixty-Six Wards After Dark: The Election Needle

Once the polls close, I’ll be processing the live results and projecting the final outcomes at

Note: Needle projections will only include live results, as the mail-in results will take some days to process. And we have no idea how they may deviate from live voting.

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